
Why does OnPoint use electronic drums?

In this article...

The benefits of using electronic drums over traditional drums for live performances.

It’s 2:18 pm, and OnPoint’s sound team has just finished unloading for the evening’s concert. Instead of a traditional drum set, a sleek and modern set of round grey and black pads with a missing huge kick drum and some neatly fitted wires wrapped in a metal frame can be seen. OnPoint has incorporated electronic drums into their performances to achieve sound quality like no other.

Electronic drums have revolutionized the music industry and are used by the biggest artists and touring bands worldwide. Why? One significant advantage of electronic drums is sound quality. Acoustic drums produce a range of sounds dependent on room acoustics, making them overpowering and challenging to control, especially at live performances. In contrast, electronic drums offer consistent sound quality regardless of the environment. They can be digitally tuned and manipulated to achieve any desired sound or volume, making them ideal for live performances.

Another advantage of electronic drums is their efficiency. They require minimal maintenance, unlike acoustic drums, which demand regular tuning and drumhead replacement. They are less prone to damage from extreme weather conditions and allow OnPoint to keep prices affordable and fair for clients, not to mention quicker setup.

Electronic drums’ volume control feature is another significant advantage, particularly at smaller venues where noise complaints may be an issue. This feature allows OnPoint to have drums at events without disturbing businesses/neighbours in the area.

The wide range of music genres OnPoint performs also makes electronic drums a must. They offer a wider range of customization options, allowing for different sounds and beats without additional drumming equipment. This feature makes songs more appealing, and audiences can easily recognize the beats and rhythm.

OnPoint is a professional band that cares about sound quality, appearance, and creating memorable performances for clients. Their goal is to be the most sought-after entertainment company in Asia. To achieve this, they offer top-quality sound and service that sets them apart.

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Why does OnPoint use electronic drums?

The benefits of using electronic drums over traditional drums for live performances.